If you're a new owner or are considering getting a bearded dragon, one of the most important things you need to know is what to feed them.As mentioned, crickets are a staple food for bearded dragons, especially during the early stages of their life. They're readily available at most pet stores and are low in fat but high in calcium and protein. Crickets provide all the necessary nutrition for a healthy baby or juvenile dragon. However, it's important to never feed your dragon wild insects, as they can carry diseases and pesticides that can harm your pet.Aside from crickets, there are other insects that you can feed your bearded dragon. Mealworms, superworms, and dubia roaches are all excellent sources of protein and nutrients. Waxworms should be given only as an occasional treat, as they're high in fat and can lead to obesity.Vegetables and fruits are also important in a bearded dragon's diet. Dark leafy greens like collard greens, kale, and dandelion greens are excellent sources of calcium and other vitamins. Other vegetables like squash, carrots, and bell peppers can be offered as well. Be sure to chop them into small, bite-sized pieces.It's important to remember that bearded dragons are not vegetarians, so their diet should consist primarily of insects. Vegetables and fruits should only make up about 20% of their diet.In addition to knowing what to feed your bearded dragon, it's also important to know how much to feed them. A good rule of thumb is to offer as many insects as your dragon can eat in a 10-15 minute period, twice a day for juveniles and once a day for adults. Remember to always remove any uneaten insects from the enclosure to prevent stress and the possibility of biting.Finally, always make sure your bearded dragon has access to fresh, clean water. A shallow dish should be provided at all times, and it should be cleaned and refilled daily.In conclusion, feeding your bearded dragon a balanced diet of insects and vegetables is essential to their health and happiness. Make sure to provide a variety of foods and pay attention to portion sizes. With proper nutrition and care, your bearded dragon can live a long and healthy life, full article here